
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mount Tacoma

Most of you know about the controversy surrounding the original naming of the mountain that today we call "Rainier".  If not you can click HERE and read all about it.  Well, I say we keep Mount Rainier, "Mount Rainier", and deem Mount Tacoma as that big pile of earth on the right side of #2.
So why is Mount Tacoma there?  What are we going to do with all that earth?  The best answer right now is that we really aren't sure, but it's going to be great.  A home builder down the road needed to get rid of some topsoil and fill material, and he asked if we would like to have it.  We said yes since we have many projects on the master plan which require fill dirt, and in fact it's the cost of the fill which has prevented us from doing some of these projects.  You can look at the Master Plan by clicking HERE but real quick just look below at some images of the projects we have planned which require considerable fill material. 
3 Tee
This doesn't look like a huge change but shifting this teeing ground to the left and doubling the size of usable hitting space will require at least 150 cubic yards of fill.
3 Green/4 Tee
The plan to make #3 a reverse redan, and subsequently one of the most thrilling one-shoters in the state will require some fill dirt, but the work we want to do on 4 tee will require a lot.  What's a reverse redan?  Well that deserves the attention of a blog post just by itself, but you can read about "the redan" by clicking HERE
7/17 Tee
This project adds about 50 yards to number 7 and gives us a new angle into 17 green.  A lot of fill is required for this project, but worth every penny.  The dirt is free now, but there would still be a considerable cost to truck it all the way down to this area.
10 Green
The little bump we want to build on the left side of 10 green is a bigger deal than you might think.  This will be a great feature when you want to chase one onto the green, but are blocked out by the fronting bunker.

So like I said, any of these projects will be great improvements, but right now it's not certain what we're going to do.  Right now I just wanted to share with you that we've been gifted some valuable soil and we're excited about the opportunity it presents.

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