
Saturday, September 28, 2019

TMP (Tree Management Plan) - New Update

We recently marked the trees which are scheduled to be removed this coming "off season", and there has been a few questions regarding this tree next to the 7th tee.  It's true that this tree wasn't slated for removal in the last version of the TMP, but it is scheduled to be removed in our latest version of the plan which was updated in August 2018.  If you would like to review the most updated version of the TMP, please click HERE.  One thing you'll notice about the updated version is that it is visually very different from the old version.  Now, the hole-by-hole pages are in color and are overlays of an actual aerial picture.  It is much easier to visualize in this format.  
So why are we removing the tree on 7 tee?  It's pretty simple, the tree shades 2 different putting greens (6&16), 2 different sets of teeing grounds (7&17), and a primary traffic area.  It always looks messy in this area since the tree is constantly shedding debris, and the grass around the tree is always in terrible condition since you really can't grow anything under a fir tree, especially in a high traffic area.  We have been very successful in the past  removing cart paths and the intent is to remove the path here on 7 tee.  For us to successfully manage turf in a high traffic area without a cart path, we need good growing conditions and space for traffic to spread out.  This tree is really just a juvenile since it's only about 150 years old.  It will eventually be twice as big, and the problems that come with it will be doubled.  
I took these pictures just the other day and I think they clearly show just how unsatisfactory this area of the golf course looks given the poor turf quality and the old, broken, worn out cart path.   I'm excited to get this area in a condition that is consistent with our standards.

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