Kelly McGee
As it says in the dictionary, one does not receive tenure just by holding a position for some length of time. One receives tenure also because he or she has the right to keep a job permanently. Well let me tell you that Kelly McGee has most certainly earned that right. I should know. I've known Kelly for 24 years and worked with him for 22. I first met him when I took the Assistant Superintendent position at Tacoma in 1993 and he is still now as he was then.....dedicated and consistent. He tries hard at every task he's given. He's never late to work. He'll come in on a day off when we're short handed, and there isn't a single thing we do on the golf course that he isn't good at. People like Kelly don't come around very often. He is truly an asset to this fine golf club and I look forward to working with him for many more years. He's super healthy, able, and willing so I don't see him retiring any time soon. How did we celebrate Kelly's anniversary? We got him a nice gift to commemorate his tenure, bought donuts for the staff, and I sent him home for the day with pay. We also gave him some gift cards to the cinema and some restaurants with instructions to take his wife and spend a day on the town. In addition to his tenure at Tacoma Country and Golf Club, Kelly served with the Army reserves so with all sincerity I say to Mr. Kelly McGee ........"THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE".

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