
Saturday, June 10, 2017


Remember the temporary pro shop??  Well I certainly do and I say good riddance.  .  
This week my team finally put to bed the pro shop project.  Yes, there is still little things to do here and there but we're at a point where none of that is urgent.  Some of the landscaping will be completed over the next few months but really, are we ever done working on the landscaping?  To finish that area by the first tee we of course had to scrape off all the wood chip.  That didn't smell too me.   Then we tilled that area and added some sand to dilute the remaining organic material.
After some raking and leveling we brought in another 8,000 square feet of sod to cover it up.
At this time we also took care of some of the minor repairs around the pro shop.
At the performance center, we did seed that area out in front of it so that should be greened up soon and that will really make it look completed.  Finding the opportunity to work in front of this building has been quite challenging since there's always someone using it.  Even when the weather is great, people just like to hit from there because it's kind of private and of course the teaching bay is used daily for lessons.  As they say, "build it and they will come".
So anyway, there you have it.  The pro shop project is basically finished and the experience is one that I will never forget.  Starting with the swimming pool in 2005, all of Club's facilities have now been upgraded and/or renovated.  This is such an amazing club and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  The question now is "what's next"?

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