
Saturday, May 13, 2017

The End in Sight

What a difference some good weather can make.  We finally got some sunshine and dry conditions so everything has come together quickly and it's looking fantastic.  All of the concrete has been poured.

In fact, all of the asphalt has been laid as well.

The painting is complete on the performance center and almost complete on the pro shop.

Notice also that there is grass all around the performance center.  We removed all the mud and old cart path, imported a gravel base, installed the plastic substrate, covered it with a suitable sandy soil, and then installed another 12,000 square feet of sod.

This project has been so consuming for my staff, but the end product is looking so good that we are staying positive and very motivated to finish it in a high quality fashion.  There is still much to do around the putting green area but at this point most of the big stuff is done and the end is in sight. 

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