
Monday, February 20, 2017

Back In Business

The snow melted off, the ground thawed out and we are back in business.  Sod is going down again on #12 teeing ground and it's looking really good.

As of today we are well beyond the halfway mark with sodding the actual teeing surface. 

On the other side near the 11th green, Jeremy is bringing in some big rhododendrons to improve the buffer between the course and it's neighbors.  We still have a lot to do but the whole project is coming together nicely.

Right now the sod for the 12th tee is coming from in front of the new performance center.  A lot of this area will have to be torn up and regraded to fit with the new building so it made sense to go in and save as much of this sod as possible.  By May 1st this area should be regraded and restored if everything goes as planned with the building.  As you can see the performance center has come a long way in the last week.

The back of the pro shop has also progressed quite a bit.  Now that the roof has been built up the building has taken on a whole new look in regard to scale.  It looks really big and it looks really good.  Exciting times for sure.

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