
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Project Update 12-24-16

This week started with some wind and rain.  Unfortunately the greens were still frozen on Monday so the rain just puddled up and we had to keep the course closed.  It's times like this when we need to keep people off the greens.  I don't mind people playing the greens when they're frozen solid as long as there is no frost.  When the greens are partially thawed like they were on Monday, any kind of traffic on them can cause damage to the root system.

It was another very productive week by BPCI on the new ProShop.  All four walls are up on the expansion/retail area.  You can see now how many windows there will be on the front of the structure.  From inside there will be an awesome view of the first tee and practice area.
Out on the practice area you can see there is steady progress on the performance center. They've installed an infiltration trench and the underground pipe to move water from the downspouts. 

Nearby on the practice tee my team is moving forward rapidly with the installation of the foundation for the Turfhound strip.  By the end of next week we should be ready to back fill the area with gravel which will be heavily compacted and then essentially ready to go. Obviously there is still a lot of work to do around the foundation to tie it all in, but this thing is really looking good.  The Turfhound product is the best artificial turf surface.  If you want to know more about it, click HERE to go to their website.

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