
Saturday, December 10, 2016


The BPCI team braved the cold and installed these big metal doohickeys on the new ProShop.  They also put up some huge glue-lam beam.  
Out on the range, they have made serious progress on the Performance Center.

 They are close to being ready to pour the foundation.  Finding the opportunity to make that pour in this current weather pattern may prove challenging.  By the way, this building is going to be so cool.  I think it will be the most popular spot to hang out, talk golf, and work on your game.

On the golf course my team was really cookin on the artificial turf strip.  We built a nice plywood road out to the site and got a lot of the base built before the weather shut us down.  We installed some pipes under the strip so that we can pull wire, water pipe or anything else under it if we need to in the future.
The weather is definitely a factor right now.  We cannot do much on the turf strip because all the ground is frozen and so is the pile of gravel that we're working with to build the base layer.  So we decided to remove some of those pesky trees.

That dead hemlock on the driving range is now gone and so is the 150 yard marker tree on #4.  FYI, the 150 yard marker tree on #1 is also slated for removal and I'm guessing that will get done sooner than later with all this cold weather.  

There is always plenty to do on a golf course no matter what Mother Nature dishes out.

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