
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Another Great Show

Jeremy and Gabe have done it again.  This years show of color around the House is better than ever.
 The perennials around the 1894 restaurant have reached full maturity.  
 Some trees were removed around the putting green last winter and now there is more space for annuals and more sunshine to make them explode with color.
 This is the first year we've had the Historical Marker so that area is getting some extra attention.
 The patio pots are simple and elegant.  I remember when Jeremy was planting them this spring and I took these two pictures so I could post them later and show how far they've come and what's in them.
 So here is what they looked like when they were planted and look at the picture below to see what plants were selected.
Jeremy and Gabe, your expertise is second to none.  Thanks for all that you do!

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