
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Project Update 4/20

What a difference a little sod makes.   This week we brought in one more truck load of sod thus covered another 13,000 square feet of disturbance caused by the project.
Below is that huge area on 18 fairway that has been bare dirt for months.
Today it is turf once again.  Yes that puddle there is unusual but this pic was taken right after a heavy shower, and once we vertidrain that area, you won't see a puddle there again for a long time.  The heavy rain we just had was good though.  Good for keeping the sod wet but also for firming up the bunker sand.
This last truck load of sod also took care of about a dozen smaller areas that needed the final touch of instant turf.  For example this little area around the satellite box on 9 tee was waiting for sod for some time.
This week we got to do something normal finally.  We got to spray fairways and that was an adventure considering all the new fairway bunkers are in different positions.  This meant that we had to figure out new spray patterns.  Also, as you can see below, the fairways of 9 and 18 are combined now making them one big fairway that is over 250,000 square feet or close to 6 acres.  It's really a big area and it's really, really cool.  It's nice to do some basic maintenance though.  The bunkers are done and now we are just finishing up the little things.  This week we will seed the tees and then it will really feel like we've got it licked and then it's just time to maintain. 
Here is 17 again but in full sun.  Just gorgeous!!  When the oaks leaf out, it will have a totally different look again.  What a great, classic par 3

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