
Friday, February 15, 2013

Project Update 2/15

I tell you the weather we've been having is anything but Februaryish.  It has been so dry these past few weeks and Kip has really taken advantage of it.  Let's just say he's been here building bunkers every day and utilizing every hour of daylight.  Now unfortunately, our sod is coming from the east side of the state so it's still been frozen solid and unavailable till just now.  We will be getting our first load of sod since the freeze next Tuesday.  Until then, we will be looking at a lot of bare soil because every bunker but one or two has been shaped and ready to sod.  Check these things out.
This picture and the one at the beginning of this post is of the trap on the left of 18.......awesome!
This beauty is the fairway bunker left of #4
this specimen is on the right side of #4 fairway............make note........don't hit it in here.
Left side of #4 green...................yes ..............nasty
To make up for the nasty one on the left , we filled in the one on the right.  Miss the green here please
The green complex on #9 has three bunkers and they really frame this area nicely.  Honestly, this is great stuff here and I think some might say this is the nicest collection of bunkers you'll see anywhere.
The one on the left of the green is very much in the be careful approaching this green
Here is the second fairway bunker on #9 which you must navigate around in order to flirt with the awesome complex at 9 green.  I love this one...........big ...............bold..............muscle!

But prepare yourself for this one.......................this is the large bunker right of the 18th green.  Avoid this at all cost.  I know it's your last swing of the day but make it good.  This could kill that great round you got going.
Even Boo doesn't like being in this bunker.  She had a hard time just climbing out of it after this picture..............................................Okay, kidding but this is a true hazard and will likely decide the outcome of many matches.   I love it..............of course I haven't had to hit out of it yet.

So anyway...........without further is the first completed bunkers from second and final phase of the bunker renovation at Tacoma
 TA DAAAAAA!!!  13 fairway
TA DAAAAAAA!!  13 green
TA DAAAAAAA!!!!   14 green left
TA DAAAAAAA!!! 14 green right

Are those awesome or what.  I love it when a plan comes together.  

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