
Friday, July 8, 2011

Emergency Pruning Monday

The Oak tree by 11 tee will receive some emergency pruning on Monday.  In the photo below, you can see which tree I'm talking about.  It's the tree that overhangs the right greenside bunker of 10 green.
The two pictures below shows how the main crotch of this tree has begun to seperate again.  We have lost several trees in the past to this same problem of decay in the main crotch of a multi leader Oak.  Unfortunately, this decay is really by our own doing.  Oak trees prefer the typical dry summers that we usually enjoy but because we irrigate all summer, the crotches in these Oak trees stay wet all year long which contributes to decay.

Anyway, this tree is worth saving.  It provides safety for those on the 11th tee, it puts a premium on accuracy of your approach shot, it doesn't shade a putting green, and it is one of our endangered Oak trees.  The situation is serious so right now its prune it or loose it.  Monday we will remove some significant branches that grow toward the 10th green and maybe add another cable.

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